Standing at the centre core of Area 3 is the Adventure Play Area that caters to people of different age groups, from toddlers to young adults. This is the heart and most active zone of West Coast Park. If you like a quiet and peaceful environment, the eastern portion at Area 1 would be a good choice for park users to rest and relax. The western portion of the park has been transformed into a haven for park visitors who enjoy challenging and adventurous activities.
Monday, March 23, 2015
West Coast Park in Singapore
Themed as the "Play Centre in the West", West Coast Park is a large regional park located in the southwest of Singapore. A linear park comprising 50 hectares of park land, the park runs parallel to West Coast Highway.
Standing at the centre core of Area 3 is the Adventure Play Area that caters to people of different age groups, from toddlers to young adults. This is the heart and most active zone of West Coast Park. If you like a quiet and peaceful environment, the eastern portion at Area 1 would be a good choice for park users to rest and relax. The western portion of the park has been transformed into a haven for park visitors who enjoy challenging and adventurous activities.
Standing at the centre core of Area 3 is the Adventure Play Area that caters to people of different age groups, from toddlers to young adults. This is the heart and most active zone of West Coast Park. If you like a quiet and peaceful environment, the eastern portion at Area 1 would be a good choice for park users to rest and relax. The western portion of the park has been transformed into a haven for park visitors who enjoy challenging and adventurous activities.
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